Building Sustained Happiness

Happiness does not just happen. Matter of fact, it takes work to be happy. There are certain things that can temporarily boost our happiness, but that happiness soon fades.

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Examples of temporary boosts of happiness include:

  • Getting a job promotion

  • Being in a new relationship

  • Winning the lottery

  • Getting married

  • Having a child

These things sound really great, right? They have the benefit of making you feel really great, however, the excitement feeling only last so long until you return to your baseline. When you return to your baseline what was effecting your happiness prior to winning the lottery or getting that new job is still there. Counting on things happening to or around you is not a reliable way to achieve happiness.

Take action and be in charge of building your own happiness!!

Studies have shown that the following exercises can help build sustained happiness. Pick a few of these exercises and try to implement them into your daily life.


Acknowledge what you are grateful for. Take time to write down what you are grateful for whether it be big or small. Identifying what you are grateful for can help you bring positivity even on the worse days.


Display acts of kindness without reason. Helping others for no reason other than to help can brighten both your day and the recipients’ day.


Take time to exercise. Exercise not only has great physical benefits but mental benefits as well. Exercising has the ability to improve your mental health and mood. The chemicals released during exercise is known to make you feel more relaxed and reduce symptoms of depression.

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Implement meditation. Meditation is linked to benefits such as reduced anxiety and increased positive emotions.

Write in a journal. Getting in the habit of journaling can help release things that are bothering you. Positive journaling can also help you focus on everything that is going well rather than all of the bad.

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Make connections. Spending time with family and friends can have a huge impact on mood. It is important to keep in tough with those we love whether it be to spend time with them or make contact through a phone call or text.

If you are waiting around for happiness to happen to you, you could be waiting awhile. Be in charge of you happiness by acting rather than waiting. Put in the work to get the best results.

Taylor Stricklan,
Counseling Intern


The Self-Love Club


A Small Change that Can Have a Big Impact on Your Relationship