Don’t Let Your Mind Bully Your Body

That time of year again is creeping up: Summer. The weather is hotter, the days are longer, and the clothing individuals wear lessens. Those who struggle with their body image may have a hard time during these upcoming months. 

Body image is the subjective picture or mental image of one's own body. One can have a positive or negative belief about their body and sometimes both; however, there are many ways you can help!

Identify and challenge negative thoughts.
When you find yourself thinking a negative thought, stop and alter it to be a positive one. For example, you can change the thought of “my arms are so fat” into “I am grateful for the arms I have so I can give hugs to those I love.”

Think about all the great things your body does for you.
What are some ways your body provides for you? Breathing, walking, talking, laughing, dancing. What else?

Positive affirmations.
These are great ways to get your mind distracted from those negative thoughts. “I am confident with my body.” “My body radiates love and kindness.” “My body deserves love.” “I am a beautiful and worthy human being just as I am.”

Find clothes that fit you and ones you feel confident/comfortable in.
You are not made to fit clothes; clothes are made to fit you!

Avoid comparing yourself to others.
Even if every person on this planet ate the same meals and exercised the same amount, bodies would still be different; and that is beautiful. 

Challenge media portrayals.
Social media is not realistic! 

Identify and focus on non-physical traits you admire about yourself.
Is it your sense of humor? Your kindness? Being a good friend or family member? All the above plus more?

Do something nice for your body.
A massage is a great way to relax your body. A haircut can be a way for you to feel more confident. Going on a walk can reduce stress and tension and increase energy levels. 

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and your body.

You have the power to change your thoughts. Love yourself and who you are and remember – your body does not define you. There is so much more to each person. Take the time to remind loved ones about what qualities you appreciate the most that is unrelated to their appearance. Happy Summer!

- Sarah Josephson, Intern


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