Finding Your Way in Your 20s

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Most would agree your 20s are a time of self exploration and discovery, but can also be a time of feeling utterly lost and confused. Your 20s encounter a fair share of ups and downs as you navigate the various transitions that occur in those 10 years. Even still, there is so much to be gained from this time of your life. Being in my mid-20s myself, there are 6 lessons I have learned that feel important to share here:

1. Identify What is Important to You

The older you get the more important it is to identify your values, the things that are truly important to you. Your life is yours to live, be sure to identify what matters to you as you create it. Don’t be afraid to do something different, even if no one around you is doing the same. Identifying what is important to you now will help support your journey as you navigate jobs, relationships, schools, self, etc.. Even if these change over time (as they likely will) utilize them to guide you in creating the life you feel most aligned with. 

2. Honor Your Mind and Body

Find an activity you enjoy that benefits your body and mind. Tending to our physical health is just as important as our mental health. Maybe for you it’s yoga, daily walks, or rock climbing. Whatever it is, find something you enjoy now. Establishing healthy physical habits while you’re younger will be easier to maintain as you get older. Caring for your mind and body is a way to honor your worth now and always. And of course, make it fun and enjoyable, otherwise it won’t last long.

3. Allow Room For Growth

This is a time in your life where lots of things will change: friendships, living environments, jobs, schools, interests, sense of self, etc.. Let them. With each new opportunity you encounter you are opening yourself up to learn and grow, that is the gift. Change can feel uncertain and uncomfortable, but that is where excitement and expansion can grow from. Lean in to the changes that will occur during this time, allow the resistance to subside in order to enjoy the process as it will naturally occur. 


4. Relationships

Relationships are such an important aspect of our lives. They can bring about so much love, support, learning, and growth. One important aspect of relationships to understand is this: they change and evolve as the individuals within them do, and it’s okay. Whether a person is in your life for a season or a lifetime, there is always something to learn or cherish. Friends, romantic partners, acquaintances, or even roommates contribute to your life in a number of ways that impact your overall growth and development. Cherish the relationships, but leave room for them and you to evolve, letting go when your time together is complete. 

5. Nothing is Permanent

Often, the decisions we make can feel final and daunting. Whether you are deciding on a school to attend, a job to take, a major to choose, a relationship to begin, or a major move to make, it can feel as though we are stuck with our choices. So, my reminder for you is that you are allowed to change your mind. Your values, interests, opinions, and desires will naturally change with time, let them. Remain flexible as you navigate new opportunities in life, saving room for growth and expansion. 

6. Rest and Play

So much of our society glorifies overworking that the idea of rest can feel like it’s not an option. But, there is nothing selfless about neglecting your needs. When you prioritize basic self care you are not only honoring yourself, but you are creating space to thrive in all areas of your life. Giving yourself time to rest is essential, and allowing time to play, explore, or learn for fun are necessary for overall satisfaction in life. Let yourself rest and play when needed and watch your life transform. 

Most importantly let this time of your life be fun, expansive, and open to what may be. You do not have to have it all figured out yet (or ever), so allow yourself to ease into this next chapter with compassion and trusting that you will figure it out as you go along.

Morgan Riley, LMSW


Protecting Our Wounds


Show yourself the same kindness and care that you would show a friend!