Show yourself the same kindness and care that you would show a friend!

Self-compassion means being gentle and understanding with yourself.  You are not perfect, in fact, no one is! Mistakes are opportunities for growth and improvement. It may be hard, but try not to get angry with yourself when life falls short of your set expectations.  


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If you are suffering, failing, or feeling inadequate: 

Tell yourself: “This is really difficult right now.  

Ask yourself: “What would I tell my best friend if they were in this situation?” 


Do you ever find that you are hard on yourself? Implement some of these interventions: 


  • Practice Forgiveness: Give yourself permission to be imperfect. 

  • Accept Difficulties: Acknowledge when things are too hard or become too overwhelming. 

  • Express Gratitude: HYPE YOURSELF UP! You are wonderful, you are kind, you are deserving. At your own pace, you will succeed.  

  • Be Mindful: Strive to be in the current moment and be aware of what is happening, without judgment. Do not ignore or hide your feelings. Feel, breathe, and let it go. 


“Be nice to yourself. It’s hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all the time.” –Christine Arylo  


Arlesha Pugh, Counseling Intern 


Finding Your Way in Your 20s


Avoid Those Pesky Mealtime Struggles