Karen McClure


Reaching out for help can be scary, but you have made the right decision, and I am so happy you did. We live in a world of uncertainties, which can trigger many emotions. You are not alone; I am here to help you navigate through those emotions and traumas. I feel extremely passionate about the power of therapy. I am committed to helping adolescents and adults work through current and or past issues. It would be an honor to work with you to become the best version of yourself.  

Who I work with:   

  • 12+ 

  • Individuals who have experienced trauma 

  • Individuals living with depression and anxiety 

  • Grief/Loss 

  • Life changes 

  • Individuals navigating life 

  • Individuals struggling to make decisions 

  • Individuals living with low self-esteem 

  • Improving interpersonal relations 

  • Adolescents living with pressures at school and home 


Licensure: Pursuing Masters of Science Counseling Psychology  

Education: Avila University Kansas City, MO 

Therapeutic Modalities: Person Centered Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Person-Centered Therapy 

Our prime purpose in life is to help others, and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. - Dalai Lama 

Hourly Rate: Sliding Scale  


Suzanne McRoberts


Libby Nogel