Megan McAtee


As someone who has personally benefited from therapy, I have experienced first-hand the power of partnering with a counselor in facing life’s challenges. Currently, I am perusing a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling to build on my training as an ICF certified Life Coach. By creating a safe space to collaboratively explore underlying issues, difficult emotions, and behavior patterns, my goal is to help facilitate meaningful change through empowerment, education, and reflection. My passion lies in helping individuals become their own best advocates by improving their relationships with themselves and others. I hope to foster resiliency in our work together, helping deliver the healing, growth, or change you seek.

Who I work with:   

  • Existential crisis and identity issues

  • Life transitions and stress management

  • Career counseling

  • Infertility management 

  • Interpersonal relationship issues (romantic, familial, social)

  • Self-esteem, perfectionism, and boundary issues


Licensure: Graduate Student Therapist, completing a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 

Education: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, December 2024

Organizations: Kansas Counseling Association, American Counseling Association, International Coaching Federation

Specialties: TeleMental Health Certified (THTC), International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

Therapeutic Modalities: Narrative Therapy, Logotherapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” - Viktor Frankl

Hourly Rate: Sliding Scale  


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