Becoming a Connected People through Relational Nutrients
The next key ingredient to creating a healthy balance in our lives is through identifying the Relational Nutrients we need from others. Once we can identify our own needs, we are more effective at helping others. We can give in ways that we can’t otherwise.
Emotional Identification: Why It's Just as Important for Adults
To be able to connect our inner experience with our body’s physical sensations, label what the blend of this is, and respond effectively is one of the most powerful skills any individual can learn, I believe. On the other hand, it may be one of the rarest and hardest skills that many of us have never learned. This is called emotional identification and expression.
Assertive Communication to Effectively Engage in Conflict
Let me first preface by stating that just because you’re in a conflict, it doesn’t mean that that relationship is bad or isn’t going to work or that you did something wrong.
Therapy: Expectations Versus Reality
You’ve seen the Instagram or Facebook memes that post what you expected something to turn out to be like (for instance, a really awesome cake you wanted to make for your kids’ birthday) versus what it actually came out to be like. Here are a few of my favorite examples:
The Strongest Man in the World is He who Walks with Others
It’s been years since our culture has taken a turn to a more individualistic one versus one focused on collectivism.
Why I Say “Boundaries” More Than 20 Times Per Day
As I was sitting with my last therapy client on a long Monday, we discussed the benefit of setting boundaries within her relationships.
Quieting the Imposter
Imposter Syndrome is the ongoing and persistent belief that success, gifts or your lot in life is undeserved or not legitimate based on your effort or skills.
School Anxiety and How to Help
School is in session and anxiety is starting to build! Classes are becoming more difficult and teens are recognizing that homework is inevitable.
The Importance of Vulnerability
Without intense vulnerability, we cannot experience intense joy.
A Weight Loss App for Kids Will Do More Harm Than Good
We hear all the time that childhood obesity is an epidemic and we’re flooded with images of children in larger bodies looking ashamed of who they are.
Why Joy is Scary
I’ve talked about how vulnerability is hard before and how it’s okay to show your authentic self to those you love, but let’s take a minute to talk about joy.
Empathy: A Skill Not A Natural Trait
I’ve heard this countless times both inside and outside the therapy office: “I’m just not that empathic.”
How Your Media Usage Is Impacting Your Mental State and Relationships
It used to just be a place to connect with loved ones. A place to share pictures. A means of staying in touch with people.
Get Rid of Your Goals - Set Intentions Instead
For years, I have heard the word “goals” being spewn person to person, overhearing in conversation or through countless Instagram photos from those who are supposed to be people who influence us.
Comparison Always Takes - It Never Gives
Comparison is never on the invitation list. We don't welcome it with open arms. We don't want it around. We try to limit our interaction with it as much as possible. Comparison feels like a pit in your stomach
How to Read A Book
Remember that We can decide what to do with the things that happen to us. In doing so, we use those boulders as an advantage, as a challenge to get around, instead of believing that nothing good can ever come of it and that our story is completely ruined.
Start the Conversation: Follow-Up
This month, Resolve clinicians have focused on providing four main points in Suicide Prevention.
The Aftermath: Valentine's Day Part 2
This post was supposed to be published on February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day. However, what I had planned to talk about in regards to this day was washed off the table when yet another mass shooting in a school took the lives of over 15 people.
How To Find Your True Love
"loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we can ever do." - brene brown
6 Must-Know Interviewing Tips for Millennials
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."